Homepage for
Postgraduate course
Linear regression models for continuous and binary data

Edited October 30th 2023
By Morten Frydenberg

Please read this before the course start: Introduction2023.

Comming course (A127/18): November 14th, 17th, 21th, 24th, 28th and December 1st 2023.

Location: M1, Konference centeret, Frederik Nielsens Vej 2-4, s

You will find a preliminary programme with lecture notes, exercises, datasets and Stata code here .

A description of the course is found here.

The recommened books:
Juul S, Frydenberg M. An Introduction to Stata for Health Researchers. 4 ed. College Station, Texas, USA: Stata Press; 2014. 320p
Juul S, Frydenberg M. An Introduction to Stata for Health Researchers. 5 ed. College Station, Texas, USA: Stata Press; 2021. 332p
Kirkwood BR og Sterne AC. Medical Statistics, 2nd ed., Blackwell Publishing Company 2003

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